Below is a list of descendants from the Immigrant Charles Woolverton. Because the original version of this file is so large, it had to be broken up into smaller pieces. Click on the appropriate link in the list below to jump to that generation in the file. The list can be searched using the Surname List or the Index of Names. Tto search within a page, enter Ctrl+F into your browser and type the surname you are looking for.
Please note that this page will be updated as new information becomes available.
11. George Woolverton (Charles Jr.2, Charles1).
General Notes: name from Gary Woolverton - may be speculative or misplaced, as he is not listed as a child of this family by either David Macdonald or Emma Ten Broeck Runk
George married Amy Rittenhouse.
General Notes: name from Gary Woolverton; may be speculative
The child from this marriage was:
+ 55 i. ? Woolverton .
12. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 (Charles Jr.2, Charles1) was born about 1726 and died on 20 Jul 1807, aged about 81. Another name for Elizabeth was Green.
General Notes:
== Biography ==
Elizabeth (WOLVERTON) GREEN has been placed as a daughter of Charles-2 WOLVERTON on a speculative basis and in order to connect her to the WOLVERTON family.
There is much controvery over the parents of Elizabeth WOLVERTON, wife of Richard GREEN. The LDS Archive sheet for Richard GREEN gives Elizabeth's parents as Charles and Margaret WOLVERTON (i.e., Charles, b. 1698, son of Charles WOLVERTON the immigrant). It is thought that Charles-2 did not marry Margaret until about 1730 (Macdonald & McAdams, "The Woolverton Family"), which would mean that Elizabeth was either Charles-2's (or Charles-1's) illegitimate daughter, or Charles-2's daughter by an unknown first marriage. But I have other sources that say that Charles and Margaret were married in 1720 or 1723 which means that Elizabeth could be their daughter if she was born later than 1716.
The main evidence for the 1716 birth year for Elizabeth WOLVERTON is her gravestone in the Rosemount Cemetary, Hunterdon Co., NJ. However, one correspondent, who looked at the gravestone, said that the date was very blurred and could possibly be 1726. This would make Elizabeth only 15 at the birth of her daughter Mary GREEN in 1741, but would make it more likely that she was a previously unknown daughter of Charlesand Margaret WOLVERTON. The fact that a subsequent GREEN daughter was named Margaret, gives some credibility to the suggestion that Elizabeth (WOLVERTON) GREEN was a daughter of Charles-2 and Margaret WOLVERTON.
Although Elizabeth is not named in the will of her putative father, Charles WOLVERTON, which names only his widow Margaret and sons Morris and John, one of the witnesses to the will is Richard GREEN.
== Sources ==
<references />* Hypothesis, Placed as daughter of Charles-2 and Margaret WOLVERTONas most likely fit. See notes for arguments for and against.* Phoebe Gano, wife of John Henderson on the Internet,
*, Rootsweb World Connect Project,
OBJE: AUTH Robert Branham
Elizabeth married Richard Green 1 in 1738. Richard was born about 1717 and died about 1794, aged about 77.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 56 i. Sarah Green 1 was born about 1737 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
13. Morris Woolverton 1,3 (Charles Jr.2, Charles1) was born between 1730 and 1735 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died before 26 Nov 1770 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. Other names for Morris were Maurice Woolverton and Maurice Woolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF2986
from David Macdonald
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk: died Nov 1770
"Morris Woolverton, the eldest son of Charles (2), was born and his
life was spent on the farm given by Charles (1) to his Father.
We have no date of either his birth or death. We only
approximate the former as about 1730, and his death, reading between
the lines of his Will must have been in October 1770, in middle life.
He married Margery, (or as it appears in his Will Mary) Baker. She
was the daughter of Samuel Baker of Amwell. The family were remarkable
for longevity, although we have no record of her death, a Sister lived
to pass the century mark.
Very little is known of the activities of his life. In the County
Records of Roads, Vol. I. of Hunterdon Co., under date of October 31,
1761 "A grievance" is referred to him. And the following month Morris
Woolverton was one of the Commissioners for laying out the Roads of
Amwell. He wrote his name "Morris" but after his death it is found in
records "Maurice".
His Will probated a month after the date of making, is dated October
14, 1770. The family of five children were all under age, so that
Morris leaves as Executors his Brother John Woolverton (12) and his
friend Richard Green.
The disposition of his belongings shows the custom of the times.
To Mary his "Well Beloved Wife", in lieu of her Dower, in addition
to one seventh of the money realized from the sale of the belongings in
land and other possessions, he wills that she shall have "one
featherbed and furniture, two cows, one horse, which she shall choose,
a side-saddle and bridle, a Bilsted upboard, and two iron Pots".
"The care, management and disposal of my
children in their Nonage shall be reposed in her."
This will was taken to Trenton, and given "the Prerogative Seal at
Burlington," on November 26, 1770. Trenton Records Liber 15, page 86.
His Brother John Woolverton (12) died within three years, so that an
"Agreement", regarding the settlement of the estate was recorded. His
Executors were given permission to sell the estate and divide the
monies. They "adjudged the sale would be attended with great loss", and
held it.
Children of Morris Woolverton (11) and Mary Baker
35. i. John, born in Amwell, Hunterdon Co. N. J. September 5, 1755; died December 10, 1837; married January 3,
1779, Rachel Quinby, born in Hunterdon Co. May 11, 1735, died January 17, 1842, daughter of Isaiah Quinby
and Rachel Warford. The Wills of Isaiah Quinby and of John Warford of Kingwood are both on record in Trenton, N.J.
36. ii. Margaret, married Silas Wilson before December 13, 1787. Resided in Philadelphia, Pa.
37. iii. Mary, died before she became of age. Unmarried.
38. iv. Abigail, married, after 1787, John Kensyl. Resided in Philadelphia, Pa.
39. v. Sophia, born January 9, 1769; died November 27, 1862; married 1788 Samuel Cowdrick, born in Amwell, April 16, 1770; died March 5, 1842. Resided in Hunterdon Co.,N.J."
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
"Will of Morris Woolverton (11)
Trenton, N. J. Wills. Liber 15, page 86. Date October 14, 1770.
In the name of God, Amen. The 14th day of October, . . 1770 I Morris
Woolverton, of the Township of Amwell, County of Hunterdon, Yoeman.
Though weak of body yet of sound mind . . .
Imprimis:-I give and bequeath to Mary my Dearly and Well Beloved
wife one equal seventh part of the money . . one feather bed and
furniture, . . two cows, her choice of the yard, . . also one horse
which she shall choose and one side-saddle and Bridle . . One Bilstead
Cupboard, and two iron potts . . in lieu of her Dower. . .
Item: I will that all the remaining part of my Estate, both land and
moveables shall be sold at the discretion of my Executors . . . and one
seventh part of my money be paid to my said wife . . . and the
remaining part . . to be put to interest . . . to be applied to raise
and maintain my Children until they . arrive . to age. Then each child
. . to receive their Legacy as is hereafter directed . . . .
Item: I give and bequeath unto my Beloved Son John Woolverton two
equal seventh parts of the money arising from . . at his age of twentyone.
Item: I give and bequeath to my Beloved Daughter Margaret Woolverton
on equal seventh Part of the money . . to be paid . . at the age of
eighteen years.
Item: I give . to my daughter Mary Woolverton one equal seventh . .
at the age of eighteen years.
Item: I give to my Beloved Daughter Abigail Woolverton one equal
seventh part . . . at the age of eighteen years.
Item: . . to my Beloved Daughter Zuviah (Sophia) Woolverton one
equal seventh . at the age of eighteen.
Lastly my will is that the care, management, and disposal of my
children in their Nonage should be reposed in my said wife. . . . . I
do constitute, make and ordain my Well Beloved Brother John Woolverton
. . and my friend Richard Green, both of Amwell, Yoeman, my whole and
sole Executors...
I have set my hand and seal . .
(Signed) Morris Woolverton.
Witnesses: Isaac Woolverton
Anchor Bonham Sworn at Trenton November 26, 1770.
Uriah Bonham Given under the Prorogative Seal at
Burlington the day and year aforesaid.
== Biography ==
<ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton.</ref>
== Sources ==
Genealogical and Personal Memorial of Mercer County, New Jersey, Volume 1, page 103
=== Footnotes ===
<references />
=== Acknowledgments ===
Thanks to for starting this profile. Click the Changes tab for the details of contributions by Hal and others.
Morris married Margery Mary (Margie) Baker 1 in 1751 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. Margery was born in 1722 in NJ and died after Nov 1770. Other names for Margery were Woolverton and Mary Baker.
Marriage Notes: FTM
date from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF2987
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1278.html - Mary Baker
Children from this marriage were:
+ 57 i. Mary Woolverton 1 was born after 1752 and died before 13 Dec 1787.
+ 58 ii. John Woolverton 1 was born on 5 Sep 1755 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 12 Dec 1837 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 82, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 59 iii. Margaret Woolverton 1,8 was born on 29 Aug 1758 in Hunterdon County, NJ,8 died on 20 Sep 1803 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged 45, and was buried in Sep 1803 in Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA.
+ 60 iv. Abigail Woolverton 1 was born on 9 Sep 1766 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 29 Sep 1821 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged 55, and was buried on 29 Sep 1821 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA.
+ 61 v. Sophia Woolverton 1 was born on 9 Jan 1769 in NJ and died on 27 Nov 1862 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 93.
14. John Woolverton 1 (Charles Jr.2, Charles1) was born in 1732 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died in Jul 1773 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 41. Another name for John was John Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3707
from David Macdonald
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk
"John was the younger of the two sons left by Charles (2), and the
joint executor of his Father's Will.
Under that will his inheritance was of the southern part of his
Father's land, very easily distinguished by the Indian name of the
stream the Wickecheoche. It contained a grist and a saw mill, and
certain lands on the Delaware River, in all over seventy acres,
which he denotes as 'my plantation'. He was a Miller by trade.
No date of birth has been found. His marriage was recorded in
Trenton, to Elizabeth Wilson, on November 8, 1768.
His Will made on July 6, 1773, only five years later, indicates his
short life, as it was proven one month later.
His sons are left equal shares of the estate, although the
birthright of Charles (40) is mentioned, thus providing him the elder.
His Executors, 'beloved friends' John Lambert, and Samuel Wilson
with his 'beloved wife' Elizabeth do not sell the property as given
permission in the will, And twenty-one years later the sons give deed
to John Prall Jr. for the entire property.
Children of John Woolverton (12) and Elizabeth Wilson
40. i. Charles, who received five shillings sterling in lieu of his birthright. Married Ann-.
41. ii. George, who inherited equally with his brother, excepting the birthright."
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1277.html - b 1735-1740
Research Notes: from Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
"Will of John Woolverton (12)
Trenton, N. J. Wills. Liber 16, 171. Date July 6, 1773.
In the Name of God, Amen. I John Woolverton, of Township of Amwell,
Miller, Being . though weak in Body, yet of a . perfect memory .
. do make this . . Will.
Imprimis: I give and bequeath unto my dearly and well-beloved wife
Elizabeth one feather bed . . one large chest, one black Walnut Dining
table, . . . all the pewter in the house, and all the iron ware. . .
I give and bequeath unto my well-beloved son Charles, five shillings
Sterling, in lieu of his Birthright . . .
All goods and Chattels . . shall be sold and . . my Plantation and
Mills where I now dwell, and a Meadow Lot adjoining the Estate of
Morris Woolverton (11) late of Amwell, deceased . . and the monies
arising . . be divided into three equal parts . . . .
I Will unto my Beloved Wife one third Part. . .
Item: I give unto my Beloved Son Charles one third Part.
And unto my Beloved son George, one third part . . . to be put out at
Interest until they shall arrive at the years of twenty-one. . . . and
the interest . . to be paid unto my wife for educating my children. And
if either or both die . . their Estate to descend to my . wife
. . Provided she pay John Woolverton son of Morris out of the
Estates . . demanded . . in lieu for his Heirship.
And I hereby Constitute my Beloved Friends John Lambert and Samuel
Wilson Executors, and my Beloved Wife Elizabeth Woolverton Executrix .
. all of the Township of Amwell.
(Signed) John Woolverton.
Inventory £178.15.8.
Sworn at Amwell, this sixth Day of August, 1773.
Given under the Prerogative Seal at Burlington.
* Parents: Will of Charles Woolverton, dated 7 May 1761, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
* Approximate death date: Will of John Woolverton, 6 July 1773, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
== Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * Parents: Will of Charles Woolverton, dated 7 May 1761, Hunterdon Co., NJ.* Approximate death date: Will of John Woolverton, 6 July 1773, Hunterdon Co., NJ.
John married Elizabeth (Eliza) Wilson 1 on 8 Nov 1768 in Scotch Plains Baptist Church, Hunterdon County, NJ. Elizabeth was born in 1726 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died after 22 Mar 1774. Another name for Elizabeth was Elizabeth Lambert.
Marriage Notes: FTM
date from David Macdonald
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3708
from David Macdonald
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
Alt. Birth: Abt 1742
Children from this marriage were:
+ 62 i. Charles Woolverton 1 was born circa 1769 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 2 Mar 1812 in Morrisville, Bucks County, PA, aged about 43.
+ 63 ii. George Woolverton 1 was born between 1770 and Oct 1771 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 8 Sep 1798 in City Hospital, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA.
15. Charles Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born circa 1726, died on 4 Aug 1731 in Mercer County, NJ, aged about 5, and was buried in Hunt Farm Burial Ground, Hopewell Township, Mercer County, NJ. Another name for Charles was Charles Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3779
From David Macdonald
Birth: 1726
Death: Aug. 4, 1731
Mercer County
New Jersey, USA
Son of Roger and Mary Fox Woolverton. [*** Roger's wife was NOT Mary Fox]
Hunt Farm Burial Ground
Mercer County
New Jersey, USA
Created by: Russ Pickett
Record added: Mar 07, 2008
Find A Grave Memorial# 25112359
Alt. Death: 4 Aug 1731 Hopewell Twp., Hunterdon Co., NJ
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1244.html - Charles Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* Death date: D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
Charles married ? ?.
Marriage Notes: FTM
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3781
16. Isaac Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born after 1726 in NJ and died in 1778 in Frederick County, MD. Another name for Isaac was Isaac Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3780
from Glenn Gohr
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0913.html - Isaac Wolverton
* Death date: Probate Records: Isaac Wolverton, 1778, Frederick Co., MD
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0913.html - Isaac Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * Death date: Probate Records: Isaac Wolverton, 1778, Frederick Co., MD
Isaac married ? ? in 1750-1755 in NJ.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF3782
from David Macdonald: "name not known"
Children from this marriage were:
+ 64 i. Isaac Woolverton 1 was born circa 1752.
+ 65 ii. Charles Woolverton 1 was born circa 1758 in NJ and died before Aug 1778.
+ 66 iii. Sarah Woolverton 1 was born circa 1760.
+ 67 iv. Rosannah Woolverton 1 was born on 1 Sep 1762 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 5 Mar 1848 in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, NY, aged 85, and was buried in Burgh Cemetery, Fayette, Seneca County, NY.
+ 68 v. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 was born on 26 Jun 1764 in NJ, died on 26 Apr 1813 in Fayette, Seneca County, NY, aged 48, and was buried in Burgh Cemetery, Fayette, Seneca County, NY.
+ 69 vi. Nathaniel Woolverton 1 was born circa 1765 and died circa 1812, aged about 47.
Isaac next married Catharine Hawes. Catharine died after 1803. Other names for Catharine were Catharine Haus and Catharine Haws.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4391
from David Macdonald
Isaac next married someone.
+ 70 i. Isaac Woolverton 1 was born circa 1752.
+ 71 ii. Charles Woolverton 1 was born circa 1758 in NJ and died before Aug 1778.
+ 72 iii. Sarah Woolverton 1 was born circa 1760.
+ 73 iv. Rosannah Woolverton 1 was born on 1 Sep 1762 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 5 Mar 1848 in Seneca Falls, Seneca County, NY, aged 85, and was buried in Burgh Cemetery, Fayette, Seneca County, NY.
+ 74 v. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 was born on 26 Jun 1764 in NJ, died on 26 Apr 1813 in Fayette, Seneca County, NY, aged 48, and was buried in Burgh Cemetery, Fayette, Seneca County, NY.
+ 75 vi. Nathaniel Woolverton 1 was born circa 1765 and died circa 1812, aged about 47.
17. Rosemond Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born after 1728. Another name for Rosemond was Rosemond Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF5708
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0920.html - Rosemand Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
18. Sarah Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born after 1728. Another name for Sarah was Sarah Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4394
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0918.html - Sarah Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
Sarah married Unknown.
Marriage Notes: FTM
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4395
19. Mary Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born after 1728. Another name for Mary was Mary Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4393
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1242.html - Mary Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
20. Rosannah Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born after 1728. Another name for Rosannah was Rosannah Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4392
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0916.html - Rosannah Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
21. Dinah Woolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born on 22 Oct 1738 and died after 26 Nov 1786. Other names for Dinah were Tomlinson and Dinah Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4396
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0919.html - Dinah Wolverton
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
"The Bible Contains the record of the family of Dinah Woolverton and
Francis Tomlinson, but not in the hand-writing of Charles Woolverton.
Dinah Woolverton was born October 22, 1738, and Dinah's parentage
is not given.
Children of Dinah Woolverton and Francis Tomlinson:
William, born October 28, 1762.
Elizabeth, born April 3, 1765.
Charles, born October 6, 1767.
Thomas, born August 18, 1770.
Francis, born March 18, 1774.
Dinah, born April 3, 1777.
Sarah, born May 22, 1783."
== Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.8.
Dinah married ? ?.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4397
from David Macdonald
The child from this marriage was:
+ 76 i. Eleanor ? .
Dinah next married Francis Tomlinson. Francis died circa 1784 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Marriage Notes: FTM
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4400
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Tomlinson
from David Macdonald
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk
Children from this marriage were:
+ 77 i. William Tomlinson was born on 28 Oct 1762.
+ 78 ii. Elizabeth Tomlinson was born on 3 Apr 1765.
+ 79 iii. Charles Tomlinson was born on 6 Oct 1767.
+ 80 iv. Thomas Tomlinson was born on 18 Aug 1770.
+ 81 v. Francis Tomlinson was born on 18 Mar 1774.
+ 82 vi. Dinah Tomlinson was born on 3 Apr 1777.
+ 83 vii. Sarah Tomlinson was born on 22 May 1783.
22. Charles Woolverton Sr. 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born on 31 Oct 1742 of Amwell, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 29 Sep 1818 in Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, aged 75, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA. Another name for Charles was Charles Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4410
from David Macdonald
Birth: Oct. 31, 1742
Death: Sep. 29, 1818
Charles was the spouse of Mary Drake.
Family links:
Mary Drake Wolverton (1745 - 1827)
John Wolverton (1774 - 1822)*
Roger Wolverton (1774 - 1834)*
Charles Wolverton (1787 - 1848)*
*Calculated relationship
Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery
Northumberland County
Pennsylvania, USA
Created by: Grave Hunters
Record added: May 09, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 52159341 - has birthdate as 30 Oct 1741
Alt. Birth: 30 Oct 1741 New Jersey
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0854.html - Charles Wolverton
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
1776|category=American Revolution
== Biography ==
=== Daughters of the American Revolution Records ===
* Ancestor #: A130331
* Service Description: 1) ISSUED FORAGE TO IMPRESSED TEAMS, 1780
== Sources ==
<references />*
adb/?action=full&p_id=A130331* D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family, 1693 to 1850 and Beyond", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.10.
OBJE: AUTH Karen Wilhelm
Charles married Mary Drake 1 on 8 Aug 1763 in Scotch Plains Baptist Church, Hunterdon County, NJ. Mary was born on 8 Aug 1745 of Hopewell, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 18 Jul 1836 in Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, aged 90, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA. Another name for Mary was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4411
from David Macdonald
Birth: 1745
New Jersey, USA
Death: 1827
Pennsylvania, USA
Mary was the spouse of Charles Wolverton. Her parents were Benjamin Drake and Mary Runyon.
Family links:
Charles Wolverton (1742 - 1818)*
Roger Wolverton (1774 - 1834)*
John Wolverton (1774 - 1822)*
*Calculated relationship
Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery
Northumberland County
Pennsylvania, USA
Created by: Grave Hunters
Record added: May 09, 2010
Find A Grave Memorial# 52159301
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
Children from this marriage were:
+ 84 i. Sarah Woolverton 1 was born in 1764.
+ 85 ii. Rachel Stockton Woolverton 1 was born on 17 Apr 1766 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 28 Feb 1836 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 69, and was buried in Bethlehem Cemetery, Union, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 86 iii. Dennis Wolverton 1 was born on 16 Jul 1768 in NJ and died on 1 Apr 1827 in Northumberland County, PA, aged 58.
+ 87 iv. Mary Rachel Woolverton 1 was born circa 1770 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 19 Feb 1841 in OH, aged about 71, and was buried in Bryn Zion Cemetery, Mount Gilead, Morrow County, OH.
+ 88 v. Roger Wolverton 1 was born circa 1773-1774, died on 24 Apr 1834 in Rush, Northumberland County, PA, aged about 61, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 89 vi. Rev. John Wolverton 1 was born in 1775 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 18 May 1822 in Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, aged 47, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 90 vii. Isaac Woolverton 1 was born on 11 Aug 1777 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 3 Mar 1855 in Rush, Northumberland County, PA, aged 77, and was buried in Rush Baptist Church Cemetery, Northumberland, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 91 viii. Mary Osceola (Osie) Woolverton 1 was born on 1 Nov 1778 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 5 Jul 1851 in Northumberland County, PA, aged 72, and was buried in Stone Lutheran and Reformed Church Cemetery, Augustville, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 92 ix. Elizabeth Woolverton 1 was born on 15 Oct 1783 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 20 Aug 1861 in Clay County, IN, aged 77, and was buried in Hixson Graveyard, Cory, Clay County, IN.
+ 93 x. Charles Woolverton Jr. 1 was born on 16 Nov 1787 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 11 Apr 1848 in Northumberland, Northumberland County, PA, aged 60, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptistt Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA.
23. Roger Wolverton 1 (Roger3, Charles1) was born on 16 Jul 1747 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 2 Nov 1778 in NJ, aged 31.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF5709
from David Macdonald
"Birth • 16 July 1747
Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
Death • 2 November 1778
Maryland, United States"
"Born 16 Jul 1747 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon, New Jerseymap
Son of Roger Wolverton and Mary Fox
Brother of Charles Wolverton, Isaac Wolverton, Mary Wolverton, Rosannah Wolverton, Rosemond Wolverton, Sarah Wolverton, Dinah (Wolverton) Tomlinson and Charles Wolverton
Husband of Martha (Thatcher) Wolverton — married about 1 Mar 1765 in New Jersey [uncertain]
Father of Lydia (Wolverton) Sergeant, Amos Wolverton, Charles Wolverton, Samuel Uriah Wolverton, Isaac Wolverton, John Wolverton and Richard Wolverton
Died 2 Nov 1778 in Maryland, United States
* birth & death dates from Edward N.S.J.B. Wolverton material. ("a not entirely trustworthy source")
* Source: S733287843 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Ancestry Family Tree Ancestry Family Tree 1784028
* Source: S736434576 New Jersey, Abstract of Wills, 1670-1817 Publication: Operations, Inc. Note: New Jersey, Published Archives Series, First Series Record Collection 2793"
Roger married Martha Thatcher 1 on 1 Mar 1765 in Hunterdon County, NJ. Martha was born on 12 May 1745 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 2 Apr 1818 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 72, and was buried in "old cemetery" near Mansfield, Burlington County, NJ. Another name for Martha was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF5710
from David Macdonald
"Birth • 12 May 1745
Amwell, Somerset, New Jersey, United States
Death • 2 April 1818
, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
Burial • •
Old Cemetery near Mansfield"
"Born 12 May 1745 in Amwell, Amwell Township, Hunterdon, New Jerseymap
Daughter of Amos Thatcher and Lydia (Unknown) Thatcher
Sister of Joseph Thatcher, Amos Thatcher, Elizabeth Thatcher, Lydia Thatcher, Mary (Thatcher) Godown, Bartholomew Thatcher, Sarah Thatcher, Lydia (Thatcher) Wilson, Urania Thatcher, Azubah Thatcher, Daniel Thatcher, Amos Thatcher and Job Thatcher
Wife of Roger Wolverton Jr — married about 1 Mar 1765 in New Jersey [uncertain]
Mother of Lydia (Wolverton) Sergeant, Amos Wolverton, Charles Wolverton, Samuel Uriah Wolverton, Isaac Wolverton, John Wolverton and Richard Wolverton
Died about 2 Apr 1817 in Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA
Martha Thatcher, daughter of Amos and Lydia Thatcher, was born 12 May 1745 in Hunterdon County, New Jersey, probably in Amwell.[1]
She was named in her fathers will dated 24 Feb 1787.[2]
Her brother Amos died intestate before 1 Dec 1779. 4 Feb 1803, Account by the administrator. Money was paid to : Daniel Thatcher, Martha Woolverton, Joseph Thatcher, Amy Wilson, Mary Godown and Evans Godown..[3]
Died 2 Apr 1817. Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA. 2 Apr 1817. Amwell, Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Found multiple copies of death date. Using 2 Apr 1817
Marriage 1 Mar 1765. Kingwood, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA. 1 Mar 1765. Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States.
File: http:/trees.ancestry.comrd?f=document&guid=1ae6f4ed-4bb3-4468-996b-67b71c02f952&tid=1784028&pid=460. Format: htm. Martha Thatcher in the Will of her father Amos. File: Media Format: jpg. NEW JERSEY 2. File: http:/trees.ancestry.comrd?f=document&guid=5181b28f-6ccc-4c2e-8fc4-c5787f5d054b&tid=1784028&pid=460. Format: htm. Martha Thatcher in the Will of her father Amos. File: Media Format: jpg. thatcher
1. Genealogical Society of New Jersey, "Family Records: Thatcher and Prall" Genealogical Magazine of New Jersey, Trenton, Vol. 46, No.3, Sept 1971, p.117. Bible now in the Genealogical Society of New Jersey, Collections
2. New Jersey State Archives. New Jersey, Published Archives Series, First Series. Trenton, New Jersey: John L Murphy Publishing Company. Volume XXXVIII, Abstracts of Wills, 1796-1800 p. 367. Accessed at Ancestry ($)
3. New Jersey State Archives. New Jersey, Published Archives Series, First Series. Trenton, New Jersey: John L Murphy Publishing Company. Volume XXXIV, Abstracts of Wills, 1771-1780. [ p. 522
* birth date: Genealogical Magazine of NJ, Bible: Amos Thatcher, "Family Records, Thatcher & Prall", (#46 (1971), p.117).
* death & marriage dates: Edward N.S.J.B. Wolverton material ("not always a reliable source")
* Source: S733287843 Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.Ancestry Family Tree Ancestry Family Tree 1784028"
Children from this marriage were:
+ 94 i. Lydia Woolverton 1 was born on 6 Feb 1766 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died in 1866 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 100.
+ 95 ii. Amos Wolverton 1 was born on 22 Jun 1767 in Sussex County, NJ and died on 31 Jul 1847, aged 80.
+ 96 iii. Charles Wolverton 1 was born on 9 Jun 1769 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 20 Oct 1844 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 75, and was buried in Moore Family Burying Ground, Sergeantsville, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 97 iv. Samuel Uriah Wolverton 1 was born on 26 Sep 1771 in Schooley's Mountain, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 28 Sep 1848 in Bradford, Steuben County, NY, aged 77, and was buried in Tyrone Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuyler County, NY.
+ 98 v. Isaac Wolverton 1 was born on 15 Feb 1774 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 28 Aug 1846 in Tyrone, Livingston County, MI, aged 72, and was buried in Clough Hill Cemetery, Tyrone Township, Livingston County, MI.
+ 99 vi. John Wolverton 1 was born on 18 Mar 1776 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 4 Mar 1860, aged 83, and was buried in Tyrone Cemetery, Tyrone, Schuyler County, NY.
+ 100 vii. Richard Wolverton 1 was born on 24 May 1778, died on 24 Sep 1860, aged 82, and was buried in Sergeantsville Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Sergeantsville, Hunterdon County, NJ.
24. Lucretia Woolverton (Daniel5, Charles1).
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8119
25. Captain Daniel Woolverton 1,5 (Daniel5, Charles1) was born in Sep 1738 in Burlington, Burlington County, NJ5 and died on 4 Oct 1783 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ,5 aged 45.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF6710
from Wendell B. Hughes
from Glenn Gohr
birth and death dates from David Macdonald - Daniel Wolverton - born in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ
* 1964 "History, Heritage, & Origin of the Wolverton & Woolverton Family" by Charles E. Wolverton of WV,Clarksburg.
* Ancestry Family Tree is no longer valid ...
* WikiTree profile Woolverton-71 was created on 4 Mar 2016 by James Wolverton.
* WikiTree profile Wolverton-201 was created on 25 Nov 2013 through the import of IsaacBrown_Extended.ged by Isaac Brown.
Alt. Birth: Abt 1739 Rosemont, Hunterdon Co, New Jersey
"Born in 1739 - Rosemond, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
Deceased 4 October 1783 - Kingswood, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States, aged 44 years old
Spouses and children
Married in 1759, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA, to Hannah Chamberlain 1741-1819 with
M John + Wolverton 1781-1851"
Research Notes: 1776|category=American Revolution
== Biography ==
=== Daughters of the American Revolution ===
* Ancestor #: A130332
* Service: NEW JERSEY Rank(s): CAPTAIN
* Birth: 1739 NEW JERSEY
== Sources ==
<references />*
adb/?action=full&p_id=A130332* 1964 "History, Heritage, & Origin of the Wolverton & Woolverton Family" by Charles E. Wolverton of WV,Clarksburg.* Ancestry Family Tree is no longer valid ...
=== Acknowledgments ===
* WikiTree profile Woolverton-71 was created on 4 Mar 2016 by James Wolverton.* WikiTree profile Wolverton-201 was created on 25 Nov 2013 through the import of IsaacBrown_Extended.ged by .
OBJE: AUTH Karoline Tufte Lien
OBJE: AUTH Hal Wolverton
Daniel married Hannah Chamberlain 1,9 in 1764 in Hunterdon County, NJ. Hannah was born on 12 Jul 1741 in Ringoes, Hunterdon, New Jersey,9 died on 4 Jul 1819 in Mt Pleasant, Hamilton, Ohio, USA,9 aged 77, and was buried in Mt. Healthy Cemetery, Springfield Township, Hamilton County, OH.9 Another name for Hannah was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from Wendell B. Hughes: c 1759
from David Macdonald
- date given as 1759
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF6711
from Wendell B. Hughes
from David Macdonald
Birth: Jul. 12, 1743
Hunterdon County
New Jersey, USA
Death: Jul. 14, 1819
Hamilton County
Ohio, USA
wife of Daniel Woolverton of Hunterdon Co., NJ
daughter of Lewis Chamberlain, 1710 - 1772, and Lucretia Woolsey, 1709 - 1812.
Mount Pleasant Cemetery
Mount Healthy
Hamilton County
Ohio, USA
Plot: Lot E, 4
Created by: Dave
Record added: Jun 03, 2012
Find A Grave Memorial# 91265648
Note: #N2991
Data Changed
Data Changed:
Date: 25 NOV 2013
Time: 12:20:21
Prior to import, this record was last changed 12:20:21 25 NOV 2013.
* Source: S-1409805996 Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Original data: Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members. Repository: #R-1575024304 Note: #N3291 Data Changed: Date: 25 NOV 2013 Time: 12:20:22 Page: Ancestry Family Trees Data: Text:
* Repository: R-1575024304 Name: Address: Address 1: Note: #N3289
No NOTE record found with id N3289. No NOTE record found with id N3291.
No NOTE record found with id N2991.
Thank you to Isaac Brown for creating WikiTree profile Chamberlain-1447 through the import of IsaacBrown_Extended.ged on Nov 25, 2013.
This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.[1]
Name: Hannah /Chamberlain/[2][3]
Date: 12 JUL 1740
Place: NJ[4][5]
Burial: Mt Healthy Cemetery
Place: Springfield Township, Hamilton, Ohio, USA
* 1. Chamberlain-1611 was created by Catherine Fisher through the import of Wolverton-Fisher Family Tree(1)_2014-04-03.ged on Apr 3, 2014.
* 2. Source: #S7
* 3. Source: #S9 Page: Source number: 3719.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RB1
* 4. Source: #S7
* 5. Source: #S9 Page: Source number: 3719.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages: 1; Submitter Code: RB1
* Source: S7 Author: Godfrey Memorial Library, comp. Title: American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 1999.Original data - Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genealogical-Biographical Index. Middletown, CT, USA: Godfrey Memorial Library.Original data: Godfrey Memorial Library. American Genea; Repository: #R1
* Repository: R1 Name: Address: E-Mail Address: Phone Number:
* Source: S9 Author: Yates Publishing Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Publication: Name: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived; Repository: #R1
Alt. Birth: 1740
Alt. Death: 14 Jul 1819
"Born 12 July 1741 - Amwell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
Deceased 14 July 1819 - Mt Pleasant, Hamilton, Ohio, United States, aged 78 years old
Spouses and children
Married in 1759, Hunterdon, New Jersey, USA, to Daniel Woolverton 1739-1783 with
M John + Wolverton 1781-1851"
Children from this marriage were:
+ 101 i. Joel William Wolverton 1,10 was born circa 1760 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ10 and died before 31 Mar 1814 in Berkeley County, VA.10
+ 102 ii. Joab Woolverton 1 was born circa 1763 in NJ and died after 1799.
+ 103 iii. Lewis Woolverton 1,11 was born on 2 Jul 1763 in Round Top, Berkeley County, VA11 and died on 14 Sep 1814 in Wayne Township, Pickaway County, OH,11 aged 51.
+ 104 iv. Rachel Wolverton 12 was born in 1765 in NJ.12
+ 105 v. Lucretia Wolverton 1,13 was born on 26 Mar 1766 in Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States13 and died on 22 Dec 1839,13 aged 73.
+ 106 vi. Levi Woolverton 1,14 was born circa 1771-1772 in Hopewell, Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States14 and died circa 1819 in Cape Girardeau County, MO,14 aged about 48.
+ 107 vii. Rebecca Woolverton 1,15 was born in 1777 in Hopewell, Hunterdon County, NJ15 and died in 1877 in Paradise Township, York County, PA, aged 100.
+ 108 viii. Mary Elizabeth (Polly) Wolverton 1,16 was born on 30 Jun 1780 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ16 and died on 22 Dec 1838 in Hamilton County, OH,16 aged 58.
+ 109 ix. John B. Wolverton 1,17 was born on 24 Jun 1781 in Hunterdon County, NJ,17 died on 18 Jul 1851 in Iowa City, Wright County, IA,17 aged 70, and was buried in Prairie Grove Cemetery, West Burlington, Des Moines County, IA.
Daniel next married ? 18 in 1762.
26. Jacob Woolverton 1,6 (Daniel5, Charles1) was born circa 1742 in Hunterdon County, NJ6 and died after 1785.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8120
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1245.html - Jacob Wolverton
== Biography ==
''No biography yet.<ref>Wolverton-289 was created by through the import of Wolverton-Fisher Family Tree(1)_2014-04-03.ged on Apr 3, 2014. ''This comment and citation should be deleted after a short biography has been added and primary sources have been cited.''</ref> Can you add information or sources?''
== Sources ==
<references />
27. Mary Woolverton 1 (Daniel5, Charles1) was born circa 1745 of Kingwood, Hunterdon County, NJ and died after 1831.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8121
birthdate from David Macdonald
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
* 1. Wolverton-292 was created by Catherine Fisher through the import of Wolverton-Fisher Family Tree(1)_2014-04-03.ged on Apr 3, 2014.
== Biography ==
''No biography yet.<ref>Wolverton-292 was created by through the import of Wolverton-Fisher Family Tree(1)_2014-04-03.ged on Apr 3, 2014.
== Sources ==
<references />
Mary married George Smith on 27 Jul 1770.
Marriage Notes: FTM
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8122
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
from David Macdonald
The child from this marriage was:
+ 110 i. Abigail Smith .
28. Isaac Woolverton 1 (Isaac6, Charles1) was born in 1732 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died in 1778 in Sussex County, NJ, aged 46. Another name for Isaac was Isaac Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8126
from Glenn Gohr
birthdate from David Macdonald - c 1730
Name: Isaac /Wolverton/
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Date: 1732
Place: Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Date: 1778
Place: Sussex, New Jersey, United States
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Source S61
Title: Public Member Trees
Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;
Repository: #R1
Repository R1
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1247.html - b abt. 1730
Research Notes: This person was created through the import of VasiltxtoWiki.ged on 02November 2010. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.
=== Name ===
: Name: Isaac /Wolverton/
:: Source:
::: Page: Database online.
::: Data:
:::: Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
=== Birth ===
: Birth:
:: Date: 1732
:: Place: Hunterdon, New Jersey, United States
:: Source:
::: Page: Database online.
::: Data:
:::: Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
=== Death ===
: Death:
:: Date: 1778
:: Place: Sussex, New Jersey, United States
:: Source:
::: Page: Database online.
::: Data:
:::: Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
=== Sources ===
: Source <span id='S61'>S61</span>
: Author:
: Title: Public Member Trees: Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo,UT, USA; Date:2006;
: Repository:
: Repository <span id='R1'>R1</span>
: Name:
: Address:
: E-Mail Address:
: Phone Number:
Isaac married Abigail Herrin 1 before 1750. Abigail was born circa 1732 in Monmouth County, NJ and died after 14 Aug 1755. Another name for Abigail was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF8127
from David Macdonald
Name: Abigail /Herrin/
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Date: 1708
Place: New Jersey, Monmouth, New Jersey, United States
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Date: AUG 1755
Source: #S61
Page: Database online.
Text: Record for Abigail Wolverton
Source S61
Title: Public Member Trees
Publication: Name: The Generations Network, Inc.; Location: Provo, UT, USA; Date:2006;
Repository: #R1
Repository R1
Children from this marriage were:
+ 111 i. Stephen Wolverton 1 was born on 9 Aug 1751 and died on 1 Jan 1826, aged 74.
+ 112 ii. Rachel Woolverton 1 was born circa 1753-1754 in NJ, died on 9 Sep 1819 in Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, aged about 66, and was buried in Shamokin Valley Baptist Church Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 113 iii. Abigail Woolverton 1 was born on 14 Aug 1755 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 20 Mar 1846 in Moreland, Lycoming County, PA, aged 90, and was buried after 1830.
Isaac next married Hannah Rose 1 before 1760. Hannah died after May 1768. Another name for Hannah was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF9102
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 114 i. Jonathan Wolverton 1 was born circa 1756 in PA, died about Apr 1813 in Shamokin, Northumberland County, PA, aged about 57, and was buried in Rush Baptist Cemetery, Rushtown, Northumberland County, PA.
+ 115 ii. Isaac Woolverton 1 was born circa 1757 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died before 18 Nov 1829.
+ 116 iii. Ezekiel (?) Woolverton was born circa 1759.
29. Abigail Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in May 1734 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 15 Sep 1763 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 29, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10671
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Abigail Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
Kingwood, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA
15 Sep 1763 (aged 28–29)
Rosemont, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA
Rosemont Cemetery
Rosemont, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA
Daughter of Dennis and Elizabeth Pettit Woolverton, she married George Meldrum, 1755 in Hunterdon Co., NJ
Family Members
Dennis Woolverton 1709–1774
Elizabeth Pettit Woolverton 1714–1785
Jonathan Woolverton 1754–1831
Mary Wolverton Bray 1756–1840
Created by: Carman DM
Added: 31 May 2008
Find a Grave Memorial ID: 27227611
memorial page for Abigail Woolverton Meldrum (1734–15 Sep 1763), Find a Grave Memorial ID 27227611, citing Rosemont Cemetery, Rosemont, Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA; Maintained by Carman DM (contributor 46857354).
Abigail married George Meldrum in 1755 in Hunterdon County, NJ. George was born in 1730 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died before 16 Mar 1762 in Hunterdon County, NJ. Another name for George was George Meldon.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10672
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Meldrum
from David Macdonald
30. Elizabeth Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in Jul 1736 and died on 3 Jun 1766, aged 29.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10673
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Elizabeth Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
Elizabeth married Francis Tomlinson. Francis died circa 1784 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald: second marriage for Francis.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF4400
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Tomlinson
from David Macdonald
Research Notes: From Emma Ten Broeck Runk
Children from this marriage were:
+ 117 i. Mary Tomlinson was born before 1760.
+ 118 ii. Rebecca Tomlinson was born circa 1760 and died on 26 Oct 1788, aged about 28.
31. Charles Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in 1738 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 17 Oct 1763 in DE, aged 25.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10678
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD10 - Charles Wolverton
"Charles Wolverton drowned in the Delaware River."
from David Macdonald
From Schenectady County History:
"Charles, son of Dennis and Elizabeth (Pettit) Woolverton, was probably born at Rosemont, New Jersey. He was accidentally drowned in the Delaware river in 1763. He married Anne, daughter of John Jewell, of Amwell, New Jersey, by whom he had but a single child, Nathaniel, see forward. It is probable that this John Jewell is responsible for the connection of the Woolvertons with the Baptists of the Mohawk Valley, in which denomination they have been prominent for four generations. Barbor & Howe's Historical Collections of New Jersey relates that John Jewell and others built the first Baptist church in the town of Amwell in 1766, and that, at one time the church was without a pastor, the regular supply being shut out of the house by Mr. Jewell because he was thought to be too favorable to the British."
Noted events in his life were:
• Cause of Death: Drowning, 7 Oct 1763.
Charles married Anna Jewell. Anna was born in 1741 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 16 May 1818 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 77. Another name for Anna was Anna Warford.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10689
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD10 - Ann Jewell
from David Macdonald
From Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
Noted events in her life were:
• Baptism: 25 Nov 1764.
The child from this marriage was:
+ 119 i. Nathaniel Woolverton was born on 14 Jan 1763 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 22 Nov 1835, aged 72, and was buried in Charleston Baptist Church Cemetery, Charleston, Montgomery County, NY.
32. Nathaniel Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in 1740 and died on 14 Jul 1760, aged 20. He had no known marriage and no known children.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10684
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Nathaniel Wolverton
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1255.html - b abt. 1739
33. Nathan Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in 1742 and died on 15 May 1760, aged 18. He had no known marriage and no known children.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10685
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Nathan Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1256.html - b abt. 1741
34. Andrew Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in 1746 and died on 15 Dec 1749, aged 3. He had no known marriage and no known children.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10686
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Andrew Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1257.html - b abt. 1745
35. Isaac Woolverton (Dennis7, Charles1) was born in 1748 and died on 23 May 1749, aged 1. He had no known marriage and no known children.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10687
BOOK-0001/0005-0002.html#CHILD4 - Isaac Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
36. Jonathan Woolverton 1 (Dennis7, Charles1) was born on 7 Jul 1754 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 15 Mar 1831 in Grimsby, Lincoln County, ON, aged 76, and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF33
From Annals of the Forty No. 9:
"Jonathan, born in Kingwood, New Jersey, 7 July, 1754 and married
Mary Barcroft, 31 May, 1775. In 1786 Jonathan was an Ensign in
the 3rd Company militia in New Jersey. An entry in the book dated
23 June, 1788, states that he was a member of Unity Masonic Lodge
No. 7 F .A.M. Also in that year he was a Justice of the Peace in Hunterdon
County serving in that capacity until 1794.
In 1798 Jonathan, hearing good reports about Canada from his
several cousins of the Pettit, Moore and Bell families decided to see
the land for himself. He rode horseback and stopped on his way to
visit his nephew, Nathaniel Woolverton, who had settled near Albany,
N.Y. From stories told by members of this branch of the family we
learn a little about Jonathan’s appearance and character:—
“He was riding a fine black horse,” one of them wrote, “and
looked very much like General George Washington. At this time (1798)
he owned a great deal of land and kept two or three slaves. He was a
large man, very easy going, too much so for his own good when it
came to loaning money.”
Finding the settlement of The Forty very much to his liking
Jonathan purchased the farm of John Smith — Lot 16, Cones. I and
II, extending from the lake to the hill. One acount of the purchase
states that Jonathan paid John Smith £40 N.Y. Currency and the said
Smith gave five natural apple trees to bind the bargain. Another item
claims that one spotted cow figured in the transaction. It is likely that
both are true and the cow was thrown in for good measure.
<sketch illustration titled Jonathan Woolverton's House, Grimsby>
The Jonathan Woolverton residence. It was built about 1800 on Lot 16,
Cone. II, Grimsby township.
Then Jonathan returned to New Jersey for his wife and children.
It has been stated that he brought the first wagon into Lincoln
County -— a truck wagon, and when the wheels were worn out, others
about six inches wide were sawn out of button—woodlogs and served
for many years. Besides wagon and boats Jonathan brought with him
a prize thoroughbred horse, as the following bill advertises:—
'The full-blooded horse
Will cover the ensuing season (1802) at the Forty Mile Creek in
Grimsby, at the moderate price of six bushels of wheat for each mare
proving with foal, if no rfoa! no pay will be demanded excepting the
mare be parted with before the first of January next, at which time all
payments are made at either of the mills at The Forty.
Young Shakespeare is a beautiful bay with a small blaze has
one white foot, is fifteen hands and a half in height four years old this
spring; was bred by Judge Bennet in New Jersey, who certified his pedigree.
He was got by old black Shakespeare, the ‘noted running horse,
his dam by Morick Ball, who was owned by Mr. John Hart of Pennsylvania
where: he covered at 5 this season, his granddam by, Bully Rock,
and the stock is much approved by the best breeders in -Pennsylvania and New York.
(Signed) Jonathan Woolverton.'
Jonathan Woolverton could not be termed a Loyalist settler but
he soon became one of the prominent citizens of the community. In
1799 he was made Senior warden of the newly founded Masonic Lodge.
In 1800 his name is on the subscription list for the building of the plank
church to replace the log-cabin church and in the same year he served
on the Grimsby township council as poundkeeper and in 1801 as the
Mary, wife of Jonathan, died 26 February, 1804, in her fifty
third year and two years later 25 January, 1806, Jonathan married Mary
Davis, widow. She died 10 February, 1813, in the forty seventh year
of her life. Jonathan married as his third wife, Alice, widow of William
Kitchen, 19 October, 1813. Jonathan died in 1831, buried in St.
Andrew’s churchyard.
Children of Jonathan and Mary (Barcroft) Woolverton as recorded
in his Bible:—
Hannah, b. 12 September, 1776, m. at Grimsby 28 January, 1801
to C01. Jonathan Potter of Pottersville, N.Y.
Elizabeth, b. 25 December, 1778, m. at Grimsby 29 June, 1803,
to Daniel Palmer. (For history see Palmer.)
Orpah, b. 25 July, 1781, m. at Grimsby to Pearce Moore, 28
September, 1803. (For history see Moore.)
Mahlon, b. 18 September, 1783, d. 7 October, 1785.
Twins, a boy and girl unnamed, b. 28 August, 1785, died a few
days later.
Mary, b. 18 October, 1786, d. 16 September, 1788.
Martha, b. 29 September, 1788, d. 4 February, 1789.
Dennis, b. 1 January, 1790."
from David Macdonald, citing a speech by Linus Woolverton:
"Jonathan Woolverton came to Canada before 1798. He was a mason and made Master of the Lodge at Grimsby in 1800. Hearing from his uncle, Judge Pettit, who came to Canada about 1783, of hte favorable soil and climate of the Niagara peninsula, Jonathan came out on horseback to view the land and was so well pleased that he sold his farm in New Jersey and purchased 225 acres adjoining Judge Pettit's from Little John Smith, paying 325 pounds and later acquiring another 200 acres on the mountain along the forty Mile Creek. He moved his family there in 1798, then consisting of his wife, Mary Barcroft who is buried in St. Andrews' burial ground, son Dennis, then about eight years old, and three daughters: Hannah, Elizabeth, and Orpha. In January 1801, Col. Jonathan Potter of New Jersey married Hannah and took her back to New Jersey. In June 1803 Daniel Palmer of Grimsby was married to Elizabeth, and in September 1803, Pearce Moore married Orpha. The trip from New Jersey was tedious. He brought his family by boat to Albany, at which place his nephew Nathaniel had settled; then there was a 15-mile portage to Schenectady; thence by the Mohawk River to Rome; thence by canal two miles to Wood Creek; thence to Oneida Lake, thence by Oswego River to Oswegie [sic]; thence along Lake Ontario to Grimsby, then known simply as 'The Forty'. He moved with his wife and four children into a log house that Little John Smith had built. In 1810, Jonathan's only son, Dennis, married Catharine Nixon, daughter of Allen Nixon, a UEL from New Jersey, whose land was on the Mountain. He was about 18 when he married and about 21 during the War of 1812-13. He farmed about 4500 acres, and about 1834 was elected member of the Legislative Assembly of Upper Canada."
Research Notes: This person was created through the import of Ancestry Wiki.ged on 14March 2011. The following data was included in the gedcom. You may wish to edit it for readability.
=== Source ===
: Source:
:: Page: Ancestry Family Trees
:: Quality or Certainty of Data: 3
=== User ID ===
: User ID: E44FEE290645463683D1E976D7993AB725C0
=== Data Changed ===
: Data Changed:
:: Date: 12 Mar 2011
::: Time: 10:16
Prior to import, this record was last changed 10:16 12 Mar 2011.
=== Sources ===
: Source <span id='S54'>S54</span>
: Abbreviation: Public Member Trees
: Title: Public Member Trees
: Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestrymembers.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.: Note: This information comes from 1 or more individual Ancestry Family Tree files. This source citation points you to a current version of those files. Note: The owners of these tree files may have removed or changed information since this source citation was created.
: Repository:
: Repository <span id='R2'>R2</span>
: Name:
: Address:
:: Name:
:: Address 1:
Jonathan married Mary Ann Barcroft 1 on 31 May 1775. Mary was born in Mar 1751 in Solebury Township, Bucks County, PA, died on 26 Feb 1804 in Grimsby Township, Lincoln County, ON, aged 52, and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada.
Marriage Notes: FTM
Date from Annals of the Forty No. 9
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF35
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 120 i. Hannah Woolverton 1 was born on 12 Sep 1776 in NJ, died on 14 Apr 1857, aged 80, and was buried in Lamington Presbyterian Church Cemetery, Lamington, Somerset County, NJ.
+ 121 ii. Elizabeth Woolverton 1 was born on 25 Dec 1778 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 15 Oct 1848 in Grimsby, Lincoln County, ON, aged 69, and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada.
+ 122 iii. Orpha Woolverton 1 was born on 25 Jul 1781 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 16 Sep 1865 in Oakville, Halton County, ON, aged 84, and was buried in Oakville Cemetery, Oakville, Halton County, ON.
+ 123 iv. Mahlon Woolverton 1 was born on 18 Sep 1783 and died on 7 Oct 1785, aged 2.
+ 124 v. ? Woolverton was born on 28 Aug 1785 and died on 31 Aug 1785.
+ 125 vi. ? Woolverton was born on 28 Aug 1785 and died on 31 Aug 1785.
+ 126 vii. Elias Woolverton 1 was born on 7 Aug 1786.
+ 127 viii. Mary Woolverton 1 was born on 18 Oct 1786 and died on 16 Sep 1788, aged 1.
+ 128 ix. Sarah Woolverton 1 was born on 12 May 1788.
+ 129 x. Martha Woolverton 1 was born on 29 Sep 1788 and died on 4 Feb 1789.
+ 130 xi. Dennis Woolverton 1 was born on 1 Jan 1790 in Kingwood, Passaic County, NJ, died on 23 May 1857 in Grimsby Township, Lincoln County, ON, aged 67, and was buried in St. Andrew's Anglican Cemetery, Grimsby, Lincoln County, Ontario, Canada.
+ 131 xii. Phoebe Woolverton 1 was born on 13 Apr 1792.
Jonathan next married Mary (Polly) Brewer on 25 Jan 1806. Mary was born on 3 Oct 1766 in Readington, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 10 Feb 1813 in Grimsby Township, Lincoln County, ON, aged 46. Other names for Mary were Polly Brewer and Mary Davis.
Marriage Notes: FTM
Date from Annals of the Forty No. 9
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF15064
from David Macdonald: widow of ? Davis
Source: #S54
Page: Ancestry Family Trees
Quality or Certainty of Data: 3
Source S54
Abbreviation: Public Member Trees
Title: Public Member Trees
Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2006.Original data - Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.Original data: Family trees submitted by Ancestry members.
Repository: #R2
Repository R2
Address 1:
Children from this marriage were:
+ 132 i. Sara Woolverton was born on 12 May 1778.
+ 133 ii. Elias Woolverton was born on 2 Aug 1786.
+ 134 iii. Phoebe Woolverton was born on 13 Apr 1792 and died on 19 Nov 1834 in ON, aged 42.
Jonathan next married Alice Beam on 19 Oct 1813. Alice was born on 19 Nov 1762. Another name for Alice was Alice Kitchen.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
Date from Annals of the Forty No. 9
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF15070
from David Macdonald: widow of William Kitchen
37. Mary Woolverton 1 (Dennis7, Charles1) was born on 2 Nov 1756 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 19 Apr 1840 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 83, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. Another name for Mary was Mary Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF10688
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD11 - Mary Wolverton
birthdate from David Macdonald
Birth: Nov. 2, 1756
Hunterdon County
New Jersey, USA
Death: Apr. 19, 1840
Hunterdon County
New Jersey, USA
Daughter of Dennis Wolverton and Elizabeth Pettit
Family links:
Daniel Bray (1751 - 1819)
Elizabeth Bray Rittenhouse (1775 - 1845)*
John Bray (1779 - 1818)*
Hannah Bray Blackwell (1783 - 1858)*
Andrew Bray (1789 - 1849)*
Wilson Bray (1793 - 1850)*
*Calculated relationship
Sacred to the memory of MARY BRAY wife of DANIEL BRAY who departed this life April 19, AD. 1840 in the 84th year of her age.
Rosemont Cemetery
Hunterdon County
New Jersey, USA
Created by: Duke Thatcher
Record added: Jun 18, 2005
Find A Grave Memorial# 11193120
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1258.html - b abt. 1752
Research Notes: == Biography ==
<ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton.</ref>
== Sources ==
Hunterdon County NJ Archives Biographies.....Daniel BRAY, 1751 - 1819- Author: Rev. Joseph F. Folsom
=== Footnotes ===
<references />
=== Acknowledgments ===
Thanks to for starting this profile. Click the Changes tab for the details of contributions by Hal and others.
Mary married Capt. Daniel Bray 1 on 2 May 1772 in Trenton, Mercer County, NJ. Daniel was born on 12 Oct 1751 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 5 Dec 1819 in Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 68, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Marriage Notes: FTM
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD11 - 14 May 1772
from David Macdonald
Alt. Marriage: Mary Woolverton Date: 14 May 1772 Location: Ringoes, Amwell Twp., Hunterdon Cty., NJ
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1260.html - 14 May 1772
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-1258.html - 14 May 1772
General Notes:
Daniel Bray (October 12, 1751 – December 5, 1819)[1] was a Captain on General George Washington's staff during the American Revolutionary War. Captain Bray, along with members of the Hunterdon County Militia under his command, collected the boats necessary for crossing the Delaware River on the night of December 25–26, 1776 prior to the Battle of Trenton.[2] After the war he became the general in the New Jersey state Militia.
He was married to Mary Wolverton. Children of Daniel Bray and Mary Wolverton are:
Elizabeth Bray, b. January 24, 1775, d. date unknown.
Delilah Bray, b. February 1, 1777, d. date unknown.
John Bray, b. May 25, 1779, d. January 26, 1818.
Jonathan Bray, b. June 25, 1781, d. date unknown.
Hannah Bray, b. April 28, 1783, d. date unknown.
James Bray, b. August 2, 1785, d. March 16, 1786.
Susannah Bray, b. December 6, 1786, d. date unknown.
Andrew Bray, b. December 12, 1789, d. date unknown.
Sidney Bray, b. December 15, 1791, d. June 2, 1803.
Wilson Bray, b. December 21, 1793, d. November 22, 1850.
Daniel Bray, b. July 20, 1795, d. 1857.
Gardner Bray, b. December 15, 1797, d. January 15, 1798.
Mary Bray, b. October 10, 1801, d. April 25, 1812
The boats played a very prominent part in the attack on Trenton. For all time Washington crossing the Delaware will be one of the most dramatic incidents of the great struggle. Art has fixed it upon canvas, history has dwelt upon it. But few eyes beheld that little band of men risking life and health through the long nights. bringing the boats to Washington.
A large portion of New Jersey Route 29 is named the Daniel Bray Highway in honor of Captain Bray's vital role in this critical phase of the Revolutionary War.
In 1903 Joseph F. Folsom wrote "The Ballad of Daniel Bray", which is printed in "Patriotic Poems of New Jersey" compiled by W. C. Armstrong, and in "Historic Trenton" by Louise Hewitt.[1]
Author: Rev. Joseph F. Folsom "Many patriots who in the long struggle did less for their country's freedom than Daniel Bray are to-day more honored and sung, although he, through many perils, gathered by night the fleet of boats by which Washington crossed the icy Delaware. Even had the battle of Trenton proved a disaster for the Americans, instead of the glorious victory it actually became, the dangerous descent of the swiftly flowing river, from the mouth of the Lehigh to Malta Island, a journey of fifty miles through long wintry nights, accomplished by Captain Bray and his compatriots, should at least give his name a place beside those of Paul Revere, Sergeant Jasper and Molly Pitcher."
After the war, Daniel Bray, like Cincinnatus, went back to being a Hunterdon County farmer, on his homestead farm in Kingwood Township. He and his wife Mary Wolverton already had four children by the end of the war. Daniel Bray is also listed as a noble traitor in the House of Lords England and him and his descendants would suffer loss of title and property in the British Empire.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 135 i. Elizabeth (Betsy) Bray 1 was born on 24 Jan 1775 in New Jersey colony, died on 18 Dec 1845, aged 70, and was buried in Baptistown Cemetery, Baptistown, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 136 ii. Delilah Bray 1 was born on 1 Feb 1777 in NJ and died after 1850.
+ 137 iii. John Bray 1 was born on 25 May 1779 in NJ, died on 26 Jan 1818 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged 38, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 138 iv. Jonathan Bray 1 was born on 25 Jan 1781 in NJ.
+ 139 v. Hannah Bray 1 was born on 28 Oct 1783 in NJ, died on 10 Nov 1858 in Lambertville, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 75, and was buried in Hopewell Baptist Meeting House Cemetery, Hopewell, Mercer County, NJ.
+ 140 vi. James Bray 1 was born on 2 Aug 1785 in NJ and died on 16 Mar 1786 in NJ.
+ 141 vii. Susan(nah) Bray 1 was born on 6 Dec 1786 in NJ and died about 1862, aged about 76.
+ 142 viii. Andrew Bray 1 was born on 12 Dec 1789 in NJ, died on 27 Mar 1849, aged 59, and was buried in Slacktown Cemetery, Kingwood, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 143 ix. Sidney Bray 1 was born on 15 Dec 1791 in NJ and died on 2 Jun 1803, aged 11.
+ 144 x. Wilson Bray 1 was born on 21 Dec 1793 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 22 Nov 1850 in Kingwood Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 56, and was buried in Methodist Episcopal Church Cemetery, Kingwood, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 145 xi. Daniel Bray 1 was born on 20 Jul 1795 in NJ.
+ 146 xii. Gardner Bray was born on 15 Dec 1797 and died on 15 Jan 1798.
+ 147 xiii. Garner Bray 1 was born about 15 Dec 1797 in NJ and died about 15 Jan 1798 in NJ.
+ 148 xiv. Mary Bray 1 was born on 10 Oct 1801 in NJ and died on 25 Mar 1812 in NJ, aged 10.
38. Charles Pettit (Dinah Woolverton8, Charles1).
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF16681
Charles married Sarah Reed.
Marriage Notes: FTM
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF16684
Children from this marriage were:
+ 149 i. Elizabeth Pettit .
+ 150 ii. Andrew Pettit .
+ 151 iii. Sarah Pettit .
+ 152 iv. Theodosia Pettit .
+ 153 v. Joseph Pettit .
39. Nathaniel Pettit (Dinah Woolverton8, Charles1).
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF16682
Nathaniel married Eleanor Bankson.
Marriage Notes: FTM
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF18468
The child from this marriage was:
+ 154 i. John Pettit .
40. Elizabeth Pettit (Dinah Woolverton8, Charles1).
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF16683
41. Jane Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born in Sep 1738 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 10 Nov 1822 in Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 84, and was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ. Another name for Jane was Jane Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF18807
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0903.html - Jane Wolverton
"Jane Woolverton b.about 1738-9 d. 1822 (Hunterdon County NJ), daughter of Joel Woolverton, married John Duckworth b. 1742 d. 1822. John and Jane died a few days apart and both are burried in the Mt. Plesant Cemetery, Alexdria township, Hunterdon County NJ. Mary Woolverton was also a daughter of Joel Woolverton and married George Duckworth, Hunterdon County, NJ. John and George Duckworthn wer sons of George Duckworth and Jamima Willamson who were married 1739 Burlington County NJ. (Reference: Joel Woolverton's will Proven at Trenton, NJ February 25, 1795; Woolverton Family History of Hunterdon County, NJ., Woolverton and Williamson Families in NYB&G Record).
Jane Woolverton was born 2-3 years after the death of William Duckworth, 1731/2, McDowell's Creek, Mecklenberg County NC. No other Duckworth-Woolverton marriages have been found. I would appreciate getting the documentation of any and all Duckworth-Woolverton marriages except Jane Woolverton and John Duckworth.
John F. Duckwort,"
Research Notes:
== Biography ==
She is the daughter of and . <ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton, Jun 14, 2012</ref>
== Sources ==
* , firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
* Death date: Internet: GenForum, "DUCKWORTH", B.D.Sinclair, 5 June 1999.
<references />
Jane married John Duckworth Sr. John was born in 1742, died in 1822, aged 80, and was buried in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF18808
from David Macdonald
"Jane Woolverton b.about 1738-9 d. 1822 (Hunterdon County NJ), daughter of Joel Woolverton, married John Duckworth b. 1742 d. 1822. John and Jane died a few days apart and both are burried in the Mt. Plesant Cemetery, Alexdria township, Hunterdon County NJ. Mary Woolverton was also a daughter of Joel Woolverton and married George Duckworth, Hunterdon County, NJ. John and George Duckworthn wer sons of George Duckworth and Jamima Willamson who were married 1739 Burlington County NJ. (Reference: Joel Woolverton's will Proven at Trenton, NJ February 25, 1795; Woolverton Family History of Hunterdon County, NJ., Woolverton and Williamson Families in NYB&G Record).
Jane Woolverton was born 2-3 years after the death of William Duckworth, 1731/2, McDowell's Creek, Mecklenberg County NC. No other Duckworth-Woolverton marriages have been found. I would appreciate getting the documentation of any and all Duckworth-Woolverton marriages except Jane Woolverton and John Duckworth.
John F. Duckwort,"
Children from this marriage were:
+ 155 i. John Duckworth .
+ 156 ii. William Duckworth .
+ 157 iii. Sarah Duckworth .
+ 158 iv. Benjamin Duckworth .
+ 159 v. Jonathan Duckworth was born in 1767 and died on 10 Nov 1807, aged 40.
+ 160 vi. George Duckworth .
+ 161 vii. Althea Duckworth .
+ 162 viii. Crockett Duckworth .
42. Joel Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born in 1741 in NJ and died Jan or Feb 1804 in NJ, aged 63. Another name for Joel was Joel Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF18883
birthdate from David Macdonald
Alt. Birth: Abt 1761 New Jersey
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0899.html - Joel Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
Joel is the child of and . <ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton, Jun 14, 2012</ref>
''No more info is currently available for Joel Wolverton. Can you addto this biography?''
== Sources ==
* , firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
<references />
Joel married Anne Runyan 1 in 1782-1783. Anne was born in 1763 and died on 16 Jun 1808, aged 45. Another name for Anne was Ann Runyan.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF18884
from David Macdonald
Alt. Death: 15 Jun 1808
Children from this marriage were:
+ 163 i. Daniel Woolverton 1 was born from 1783 to 1784 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 22 Mar 1866 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 83, and was buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Mount Pleasant, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 164 ii. Asher Woolverton 1 was born from 1785 to 1786 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 10 Apr 1862 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 77.
+ 165 iii. Mahlon Woolverton 1 was born on 18 Sep 1788 and died before 1850.
+ 166 iv. Moses Woolverton 1 was born in 1790 in NJ, died about Jun 1868 in Washington Township, Warren County, NJ, aged about 78, and was buried in Mansfield Woodhouse Cemetery, Washington Township, Warren County, NJ.
+ 167 v. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 was born on 2 Dec 1791 in NJ, died on 20 Dec 1868 in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 77, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 168 vi. Mary Woolverton 1 was born on 18 Dec 1794 in Alexandria Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 17 Aug 1843 in Erie County, OH, aged 48, and was buried in Scott Union Cemetery, Huron, Erie County, OH.
+ 169 vii. Aaron Woolverton 1 was born from 1795 to 1796 in NJ, died before 19 Feb 1855, and was buried in Cherryville Mountainview Cemetery, Flemington, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 170 viii. Charles J. Wolverton 1 was born on 4 Mar 1798 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 27 Jan 1861 in Erie County, OH, aged 62, and was buried in Scott Cemetery, Milan Township, Erie County, OH.
+ 171 ix. Joel Wolverton 1 was born from 1799 to 1800 in NJ and died after 1860.
+ 172 x. Jonathan Wolverton 1 was born on 8 Sep 1802 in NJ, died on 10 Dec 1880 in Milan, Erie County, OH, aged 78, and was buried in Scott Cemetery, Milan Township, Erie County, OH.
43. Charles Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born in Mar 1742 in Hunterdon County, NJ. Another name for Charles was Charles Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19350
From "Dr. Newton Wolverton
An intimate anecdotal biography of one of the most colorful characters in Canadian History"
"Charles Woolverton, sixth child of Joel, was
born in Hunterdon County, exact date unknown. He
married Effie Nailer, daughter of Robert Nailer (Pennsylvania
Dutch) date unknown. Effie Nailer (Woolverton)
lived to be 105 years old, but there is no record of the date
of her death nor of the death of her husband."
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0902.html - Charles Wolverton
Research Notes: Unsourced
== Biography ==Charles was the son of & .
== Sources ==
<references />
=== Acknowledgments ===
* Wolverton-46 was created on 11 Jun 2012 by .* Wolverton-58 was created on 14 Jun 2012 by .
Charles married Effie Nailer.1 Effie was born before 1760.
Marriage Notes: FTM
From "Dr. Newton Wolverton
An intimate anecdotal biography of one of the most colorful characters in Canadian History"
"Charles Woolverton and Effie Nailer had eight children,
Robert, Peter, Israel, Andrew, Betsey, Effie, Jane,
Sarah, order and dates unknown except that Robert was born 1771, and Israel born 1770."
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19351
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 173 i. Israel Wolverton 1 was born circa 1768 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died circa 1824 in Cayuga County, NY, aged about 56, and was buried in Conquest Cemetery, Conquest, Cayuga County, NY.
+ 174 ii. Andrew Woolverton .
+ 175 iii. Betsey Woolverton .
+ 176 iv. Effie Woolverton .
+ 177 v. Jane Woolverton .
+ 178 vi. Sarah Woolverton .
+ 179 vii. Peter Wolverton 1 was born circa 1770 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died in Feb 1842 in Warren County, KY, aged about 72.
+ 180 viii. Robert Wolverton 1 was born in 1771 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died in 1855 in Wolverton, Canada West, aged 84, and was buried in Wolverton Cemetery, Blenheim Township, Oxford County, ON.
44. Mary Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born 1743 or 1744 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died on 27 Jul 1840 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged 97. Another name for Mary was Mary Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19632
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0904.html - Mary Wolverton
"Jane Woolverton b.about 1738-9 d. 1822 (Hunterdon County NJ), daughter of Joel Woolverton, married John Duckworth b. 1742 d. 1822. John and Jane died a few days apart and both are burried in the Mt. Plesant Cemetery, Alexdria township, Hunterdon County NJ. Mary Woolverton was also a daughter of Joel Woolverton and married George Duckworth, Hunterdon County, NJ. John and George Duckworthn wer sons of George Duckworth and Jamima Willamson who were married 1739 Burlington County NJ. (Reference: Joel Woolverton's will Proven at Trenton, NJ February 25, 1795; Woolverton Family History of Hunterdon County, NJ., Woolverton and Williamson Families in NYB&G Record).
Jane Woolverton was born 2-3 years after the death of William Duckworth, 1731/2, McDowell's Creek, Mecklenberg County NC. No other Duckworth-Woolverton marriages have been found. I would appreciate getting the documentation of any and all Duckworth-Woolverton marriages except Jane Woolverton and John Duckworth.
John F. Duckwort,"
***NOTE: there is frequent mention that either of this Mary Woolverton or her first cousin Mary (daughter of Daniel Woolverton and Ruth Wright) married John (Simon) Duckworth. This is problematic because it is based on the Mary Woolverton in question being born or located in North Carolina instead of New Jersey, not an insubstantial distance. There is also the following:
a) Mary (daughter of Daniel and Ruth) was married to George Smith in New Jersey
b) Mary (daughter of Joel and Elizabeth) was married to George Duckworth in New Jersey
c) Mary (daughter of Dennis and Elizabeth) was married to Daniel Bray in New Jersey
There are no other known Mary Woolvertons of the right age to have been in North Carolina when this was supposed to have taken place. Either there is a currently unconnected Mary, or the last name is erroneous.
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * Named in will of Joel Woolverton, 29 June 1790, Hunterdon Co., NJ.* Birth and death dates: NJ, Hunterdon County Democrat abstracts, Issue of 26 Aug 1840.
Mary married George Duckworth. Another name for George was Simon Duckworth.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19643
from David Macdonald
"Jane Woolverton b.about 1738-9 d. 1822 (Hunterdon County NJ), daughter of Joel Woolverton, married John Duckworth b. 1742 d. 1822. John and Jane died a few days apart and both are burried in the Mt. Plesant Cemetery, Alexdria township, Hunterdon County NJ. Mary Woolverton was also a daughter of Joel Woolverton and married George Duckworth, Hunterdon County, NJ. John and George Duckworthn wer sons of George Duckworth and Jamima Willamson who were married 1739 Burlington County NJ. (Reference: Joel Woolverton's will Proven at Trenton, NJ February 25, 1795; Woolverton Family History of Hunterdon County, NJ., Woolverton and Williamson Families in NYB&G Record).
Jane Woolverton was born 2-3 years after the death of William Duckworth, 1731/2, McDowell's Creek, Mecklenberg County NC. No other Duckworth-Woolverton marriages have been found. I would appreciate getting the documentation of any and all Duckworth-Woolverton marriages except Jane Woolverton and John Duckworth.
John F. Duckwort,"
Children from this marriage were:
+ 181 i. Robert White Duckworth .
+ 182 ii. George H. Duckworth .
+ 183 iii. William Duckworth .
+ 184 iv. Daniel Duckworth .
+ 185 v. Margaret Duckworth .
+ 186 vi. Elizabeth Duckworth .
+ 187 vii. Sarah Duckworth .
+ 188 viii. Thomas Duckworth .
+ 189 ix. Jane Duckworth .
+ 190 x. Amy Duckworth .
+ 191 xi. Jemima Duckworth .
+ 192 xii. Mary Duckworth died before 1822.
45. Mary Elisabeth Woolverton 1,7 (Joel9, Charles1) was born in 1745 in Monmouth, New Jersey, United States,7 died in 1800 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States,7 aged 55, and was buried in USA.7 Another name for Mary was Duckworth.
General Notes: == Biography ==
:Mary Wolverton, b. 1756, NJ<ref name=mar>Yates Publishing. U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 . Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2004. Added 02 August 2018, </ref>
:Spouse: Duckworth<ref name=mar/>
:Mary Woolverton ... She passed away in 1828. <ref>Entered by , May 18, 2011</ref>
:She is the daughter of and . <ref>Entered by , Jun 14, 2012</ref>
Note: Mary is listed in as having given birth to 15 children with Simon, Ouch! -SAA
''This biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import.<ref>Woolverton-50 was created by through the import of nina.ged on Jan 10, 2015.
=== Death ===
: Death:
:: Date: 1828
:: SDATE 1 JUL 1828
:: Place: Mecklenburg County, North Carolina
=== User ID ===
: User ID: 929612824539D7119D160020781AA8C9F897
=== FSFTID ===
=== Data Changed ===
: Data Changed:
:: Date: 16 NOV 2005
Prior to import, this record was last changed 16 NOV 2005.
=== Event ===:
Event: It appears likely that her parents were Joel Woolverton and Mary Leet
:: Type: Proof
=== Marriage ===
: Husband:
: Wife: @I5308@
: Child:
: Marriage: <ref>Source: </ref>
== Sources ==
<references />
, firsthand knowledge. See the [
=Woolverton-20 Changes page] for the details of edits by Scott and others.
, firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
OBJE: AUTH Mark Hankins
Mary married John Simon Duckworth 1,19 in 1769 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States. John was born in 1740 in Frederick County, VA19 and died on 28 Dec 1826 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States,19 aged 86. Another name for John was Simon Duckworth.
Children from this marriage were:
+ 193 i. Elizabeth Duckworth 20 was born in 1768 in Mecklenburg County, NC.20
+ 194 ii. Margaret Duckworth 21 was born in 1770 in Mecklenburg County, NC.21
+ 195 iii. Mary Duckworth 22 was born in 1773 in Mecklenburg County, NC.22
+ 196 iv. William Duckworth 23 was born in 1774 in Carrabus, North Carolina23 and died on 7 Jan 1861 in North Carolina, United States,23 aged 87.
+ 197 v. Sarah Duckworth 24 was born in 1774 in Mecklenburg, North Carolina, United States.24
+ 198 vi. George Duckworth 25 was born in 1775 in North Carolina, United States.25
+ 199 vii. Susan Duckworth 26 was born in 1775 in Mecklenburg County, NC.26
+ 200 viii. Robert White Duckworth 1,27 was born in 1777 in Cabarrus County, NC27 and died in 1858 in Haywood County, TN,27 aged 81.
+ 201 ix. Elizabeth Duckworth 28 was born from 1784 to 1794 in Mecklenburg County, NC28 and died in 1857-1859,28 aged 73.
+ 202 x. Thomas Duckworth 29 was born in 1786 in Mecklenburg County, NC.29
+ 203 xi. Thomas Duckworth 30 was born in 1792 in Mecklenburg County, NC30 and died on 19 Jan 1857 in Gaston County, NC,30 aged 65.
+ 204 xii. Mary Duckworth 31 was born in 1796 in Mecklenburg County, NC.31
46. Israel Wolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born circa 1745. He had no known marriage and no known children.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19633
birthdate from David Macdonald
Alt. Birth: Abt 1749
Research Notes: == Biography ==
== Sources ==
<references />* * D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams,
Book: "The Woolverton Family", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.21.
47. Gabriel Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born circa 1750-1755 in Hunterdon County, NJ and died after 1830 in NJ. Another name for Gabriel was Gabriel Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19635
From "Dr. Newton Wolverton
An intimate anecdotal biography of one of the most colorful characters in Canadian History"
"Gabriel Woolverton, second child of Joel (2)
and elder brother of Charles ( 3 ) , was born in Hunterdon
County, date unknown. He married Catherine Murray,
daughter of an English Army Officer, date unknown."
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0898.html - Gabriel Wolverton
Research Notes:
== Biography ==
Gabriel was born about 1755. Gabriel Wolverton ...
Abijah Paschal was apparently the mother of two of Gabriel's children, Gabriel & William, but probably not his wife. Their children were born in between Gabriel's other children with his wife Catherine Murray. And there is a court case in Hunterdon County, New Jersey concerning the adultery between Gabriel & Abijah that resulted in one of the children.
== Sources ==
<ref>"The Woolverton Family, 1693-1850 and beyond." by David A. Macdonald
and Nancy N. McAdams - Pages 62 to 68</ref>
<references />
OBJE: AUTH Hal Wolverton
Gabriel married Catharine (Caty) Murray 1 in 1775. Catharine died after 1791.
Marriage Notes: FTM
From "Dr. Newton Wolverton
An intimate anecdotal biography of one of the most colorful characters in Canadian History"
"Gabriel Woolverton and Catherine Murray had
either eight or nine children, of which one was Elizabeth. (Authority Mrs. Eliza (Wolverton) Dawson, a daughter (born 1816, married 1834, died 1897).
Note:--Mrs. Eliza Dawson (nee Elizabeth Wolverton)
named the children of Gabriel and Catherine (Murray)
Woolverton as follows: John, Joel, Jonas, Job, Elizabeth, Amy, Anne, Rachel--notes given in 1870.
Asher B. Wolverton, Raven Rock, N. J., 1897, and his
nephew, General W. D. Wolverton, Surgeon in the United
States Army, named the children, according to old family records, as John, Joel, Jonas, Job, Gabriel, another, name and sex unknown, Amy, Anne, Rachel."
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF22325
From "Dr. Newton Wolverton
An intimate anecdotal biography of one of the most colorful characters in Canadian History"
"Gabriel Woolverton, second child of Joel and elder brother of Charles, was born in Hunterdon County, date unknown. He married Catherine Murray, daughter of an English Army Officer, date unknown."
Elizabeth's mother was Catherine Murray, daughter of an English Army Officer. Catherine was a Quakeress and was suspended from "attending the meeting" for marrying out of the Society (of Friends)."
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 205 i. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 was born on 13 Jan 1774 in Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 23 Mar 1863 in London, Middlesex County, Ontario, Canada, aged 89, and was buried in Wolverton Cemetery, Blenheim Township, Oxford County, ON.
+ 206 ii. John Wolverton 1 was born circa 1775-1776 in NJ and died after 1860.
+ 207 iii. Sarah Anne Woolverton 1 was born on 13 Feb 1779 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died 16 Mar 1865 ? in Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 86.
+ 208 iv. Amy Woolverton 1 was born on 20 Nov 1780 and died on 24 May 1844, aged 63.
+ 209 v. Jonas Woolverton 1 was born in NJ and died after 1819.
+ 210 vi. Joel Wolverton 1 was born circa 1785-1786 in Frenchtown, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 17 Oct 1849 in Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY, aged about 64, and was buried in Red Dock Cemetery, Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY.
+ 211 vii. Job Woolverton 1 was born on 20 Oct 1788 in Sandbrook, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 3 Apr 1864 in Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 75, and was buried in Moore Family Burying Ground, Sergeantsville, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 212 viii. Rachel Woolverton 1 was born on 31 May 1791 in Essex County, NJ, died on 29 Jul 1876 in Prairie Township, Holmes County, OH, aged 85, and was buried in Green Mound Cemetery, Fort Recovery, Mercer County, OH.
Gabriel next married Abijah Paschal.1 Abijah was born about 1760 and died about 1860, aged about 100. Other names for Abijah were Bishe Lee and Biche Paschal.
Noted events in their marriage were:
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF22651
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 213 i. Gabriel Wolverton 1 was born circa 1781 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ and died after 1818.
+ 214 ii. William Wolverton 1 was born about 1784 in NJ.
+ 215 iii. Wiliam Wolverton was born circa 1784-1785 in NJ and died before 1850.
48. Andrew Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born circa 1750 in Amwell Township, Hunterdon County, NJ, died in 1810 in Maury County, TN, aged about 60, and was buried in Knob Creek Cemetery, TN. Another name for Andrew was Andrew Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19634
from Glenn Gohr
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0901.html - Andrew Wolverton
Birth: 1750
Death: 1812
7th child of Joel and Elizabeth Woolverton. Was born in Am well Township of Hunterdon County, New Jersey. Married Sarah Ann Stone in either New Jersey or Virginia in 1771. (Not documented). In 1773 bought land in Frederick County, Virginia. First child John Bird born in 1780 in Virginia. In 1781 second child Nancy born in Virginia. In 1783 third child Thomas born in Virginia. In 1786 fourth child Besty born in Virginia. In 1787 fifth child William born in Virginia. In 1792 or about moved with family to Kentucky, settled in Lincoln Co.1795 sixth child Mary born in Somerset Kentucky. In 1808 wife Sarah Ann died of cancer in Somerset Kentucky. About 1810 Andrew moved to Maury County, Tennessee following his children.Andrew died of "stomach misery" (probably cancer). No headstone exists.
Old Knob Creek Cemetery
Maury County
Tennessee, USA
Created by: Ethel Gore
Record added: Mar 20, 2016
Find A Grave Memorial# 159803234
Alt. Death: Abt 1812 Nashville, TN
Research Notes: == Biography ==
1773 - Andrew and Sarah bought land in Frederick Co., VA.
== Sources ==
Andrew married Sarah Anne Stone 1 in 1771 in Virginia. Sarah was born about 1750 and died in 1808 in Somerset County, KY, aged about 58.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19700
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD13 - not named
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 216 i. John Bird Woolverton Sr. 1 was born on 8 Sep 1780 in Pittsylvania, Virginia and died on 22 Aug 1863 in Tennessee Colony, Anderson Co., TX, aged 82.
+ 217 ii. Nancy Wolverton 1 was born on 22 Feb 1782 in Henry County, VA, died on 28 Jun 1854 in Mayfield, Graves County, KY, aged 72, and was buried in Dodson Cemetery, Pryorsburg, Graves County, KY.
+ 218 iii. Thomas Woolverton 1 was born in 1783 in Henry County, VA, died in 1873 in Daviess County, MO, aged 90, and was buried in Old Black Cove Cemetery, Daviess County, MO.
+ 219 iv. Elizabeth (Betsy) Woolverton was born circa 1786 in VA.
+ 220 v. Elizabeth Wolverton 1 was born about 1786 in Henry Co., VA and died after Oct 1825.
+ 221 vi. William Robert Wolverton 1 was born circa 1787 in VA and died in 1850-1860, aged about 63.
+ 222 vii. Mary (Polly) Woolverton was born on 24 Dec 1795 in Pulaski County, KY, died on 31 Jul 1854 in Maury Co. TN, aged 58, and was buried in Old Knob Creek Cemetery, Maury County, TN.
+ 223 viii. Mary Wolverton 1 was born on 14 Dec 1795 in Old Knob Creek, Maury County, TN and died on 31 Jul 1854 in Maury County, TN, aged 58.
+ 224 ix. James Matthew Woolverton 1,32 was born on 12 May 1797 in Somerset, Pulaski County, KY, died on 24 Jul 1878 in Adamsville, McNairy County, TN, aged 81, and was buried in Woolverton Cemetery, McNairy County, TN.
49. Amy Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born in 1759. Another name for Amy was Amy Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19637
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0905.html - Amy Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
She is the daughter of and .<ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton, Jun 14, 2012</ref>
== Sources ==
* , firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
<references />
Amy married John Severns before 1790.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF24668
from David Macdonald
50. Job Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born circa 1760 and died after 1800. Another name for Job was Job Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19636
from Glenn Gohr
"Burial: 5 June 2000, Diana Wolverton, Silva" [I have no idea what this relates to.]
birthdate from David Macdonald
Alt. Birth: After 1730
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0897.html - Job Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
He is the son of and . <ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton, Jun 14, 2012</ref>
== Sources ==
* , firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
<references />
Job married Martha Wood 1 on 1 Oct 1798 in Bucks County, PA. The marriage ended in separation. Martha was born before 1772 and died circa 1820.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF23759
BOOK-0001/0005-0003.html#CHILD14 - not named
from David Macdonald
Alt. Death: Jun 1841
Children from this marriage were:
+ 225 i. Elizabeth Woolverton 1 was born circa 1799.
+ 226 ii. Thomas Jefferson Wolverton 1 was born circa 1801 in Bucks County, PA and died on 9 Mar 1874 in Barnes, Washington County, KS, aged about 73.
+ 227 iii. Mary Woolverton 1 was born on 29 Jun 1805 in Pennsylvania, died on 10 Oct 1878 in Hunterdon County, NJ, aged 73, and was buried in Rosemont Cemetery, Delaware Township, Hunterdon County, NJ.
+ 228 iv. Joel Wolverton 1 was born circa 1808.
51. John Woolverton 1 (Joel9, Charles1) was born circa 1769 and died after 1814. Other names for John were John Wolverton and William Woolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19638
birthdate from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0900.html - John Wolverton
Research Notes: == Biography ==
John is the child of and . <ref>Entered by Hal Wolverton, Jun 14, 2012</ref>
== Sources ==
* , firsthand knowledge. Click the Changes tab for the details of edits by Hal and others.
* D.A. Macdonald & N.N. McAdams, Book: "The Woolverton Family", (Rockport, ME: Penobscot Press, 2001), p.74.
<references />
John married Rebecca ? 1 before 1800. Rebecca was born about 1770. Another name for Rebecca was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF24669
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 229 i. ? Wolverton was born circa 1789-1800.
+ 230 ii. Jacob Wolverton 1 was born after 1795.
+ 231 iii. ? Wolverton was born circa 1789-1800.
+ 232 iv. Jacob M. Woolverton was born between 1793 and 1798 and died in 1849.
John next married Mary Roney 1 on 27 Feb 1806 in Neshaminy Presbyterian Church, Warwick Township, Bucks County, PA. Mary was born circa 1778, died on 20 Apr 1826, aged about 48, and was buried in Fourth Baptist Cemetery, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA. Another name for Mary was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF24784
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 233 i. Catherine Woolverton 1 was born circa 1807-1809.
+ 234 ii. Thomas Wolverton 1 was born about 1807 and died on 5 Dec 1829 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged about 22.
+ 235 iii. John Wolverton 1 was born from 1810 to 1811 in PA, died on 21 Oct 1876 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA, aged 66, and was buried on 28 Oct 1876 in Mutual of Kensington Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA.
+ 236 iv. Mary Woolverton .
+ 237 v. James Woolverton .
52. Captain Thomas Woolverton 1 (Thomas10, Charles1) was born in 1735 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ, died on 11 Sep 1819 in Northampton, Carleton Co., NB, aged 84, and was buried on 14 Sep 1819 in Northampton, Carleton Co., NB. Another name for Thomas was Captain Thomas Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19640
from David Macdonald
from Glenn Gohr
from Carl Wolverton
Thomas Woolverton was the son-in-law of Col. Joseph Barton, the most notorious Loyalist of Sussex County. In 1777, Thomas along with the Pettit and Barton families were identified as Tories by the local authorities. He was convicted under a law providing that any person who aided the enemy between April 1775 and October 1776 and did not take an oath of allegiance to the state was subject to conviction for high treason and forfeiture of his property. He spent six months in jail and on April 17, 1780, his confiscated property in Sussex County, NJ was sold at auction. Where the family lived between 1780 and 1783 is not known, but they may have gone to Washington Co. PA to live with his brother John's family until the end of the American Revolution in 1783.
In July 1783 Thomas-3 and his family sailed from NY to Saint John, NB on the ship Lord Townsend. The passengers list shows Thomas with one female (Catharine Barton Woolverton), two children older than 10 (Elizabeth Ann Woolverton, Ann Barton) and three children younger than 10 (Joseph Barton Woolverton, Barent Barton, Charlotte Barton). His two eldest sons from his first marriage, Thomas(22) and Joseph(19) remained with Their Uncle John in PA and never immigrated to Canada.
The Wolverton, Barton and Pettit families settled on farm land in Maugerville, Sunbury Co., NB located a few miles south of Fredericton on the opposite side of the St. John river. Thomas Woolverton's 1789 land grant of 500 acres was located next to the Barton's land grant. In 1796 Thomas was granted 262 acres of land in Northampton, Carleton County., NB. He relocated his family to the new farm in Northampton which is located just south of Woodstock on the opposite side of the Saint John river. Additional grants in the same area were received in 1813 by Thomas and his son Joseph. The land was farmed for many generations by Thomas Wolverton's descendents. Thomas-3 was the progenitor of 'Wolvertons with a NB connection '.
Note from book 'The Woolverton Family 1693 - 1850 and Beyond ':
"Based on St. Luke's Church records in Woodstock, Thomas Wolverton, 76, of the Parish of Northampton, NB, was buried in that parish on 14 September 1819. His age appears to have been recorded in error based on the fact that he signed a legally binding document in 1758 and was the eldest son of Thomas-2. Based on this information he was born in 1735 rather than 1742. No record has been located regarding his wife's birth or Death."
"The only evidence that Thomas-3 had two sons named Joseph is based on the fact that property in PA was registered to a Joseph Wolverton before Joseph Barton Wolverton was of age. No other evidence of his existence has been found."
Alt. Birth: Abt 1735 Sussex Co, New Jersey
Alt. Death: 14 Sep 1819 Northampton, Carlton Co, New Brunswick
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0908.html - Thomas Wolverton b abt. 1743
Research Notes: Unsourced
== Biography ==
Thomas was born about 1735 in New Jersey.
New Jersey because part of the USA when it was formed on 04 July 1776.
He passed away in 1819 in New Brunswick.
New Brunswick became part of Canada when it was formed on 01 July 1867.
== Sources ==
<references />
=== Acknowledgments ===
* Wolverton-239 was created on 16 Apr 2014 through the import of Vincent Family Tree.ged by .
* Woolverton-59 was created on 14 Sep 2015 by Terry Phillips.
OBJE: AUTH Lewis Buttery
OBJE: AUTH Teresa Downey
OBJE: AUTH Robin Lee
Thomas married Elizabeth Crowell 1 in 1757 in NJ. Elizabeth was born in 1740 and died on an unknown date. Another name for Elizabeth was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF24811
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 238 i. Thomas Wolverton 1 was born in 1761 in Sussex County, NJ and died in 1808 in Greene County, PA, aged 47.
+ 239 ii. John Wolberton 1 was born about 1758.
+ 240 iii. Joseph Woolverton 1 was born circa 1764 and died on an unknown date.
+ 241 iv. Elizabeth Anna Woolverton 1 was born circa 1770-1772 in Sussex County, NJ, died on 2 Aug 1826 in Woodstock, Carleton County, NB, aged about 56, and was buried on 2 Aug 1826 in Woodstock, Carleton County, NB.
Thomas next married Catharine Barton 1 before 1777. Catharine was born in 1750 in NJ and died in 1840 in Northampton, Carleton Co., NB, aged 90. Other names for Catharine were Wolverton and Catherine Barton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
Alt. Marriage: Captain Thomas Woolverton Date: 1775
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF24987
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 242 i. Joseph Barton Wolverton 1 was born in 1777 in Sussex County, NJ, died on 26 Apr 1843 in Northampton, Carleton Co., NB, aged 66, and was buried on an unknown date in Anglican Cemetery, Lower Woodstock, Carleton County, NB.
+ 243 ii. James Barton Wolverton 1 was born on 7 Feb 1785 in Maugerville, Sunbury County, NB and died on an unknown date in St. Clair, MI.
Thomas next married someone.
+ 244 i. Abigail Wolverton 1 was born about 1776.
53. Lieutenant John Wesley Woolverton 1 (Thomas10, Charles1) was born circa 1737 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ and died in 1806 in Mercer County, OH, aged about 69.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19641
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
from Glenn Gohr
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
1776|category=American Revolution
== Biography ==
=== Daughters of the American Revolution Records ===
* Ancestor #: A134339
* Birth: ANTE 1740 NEW JERSEY
=== Name ===:
Name: John /Wolverton/<ref>
Source: Page:
Source number: 3011.000;
Source type: Electronic Database; Number of Pages:1; Submitter Code: RB1 APID: 1,7836::1360836</ref><ref>
Source: Page: Document: Manuscript Collection, 1680s - 1970s, BAH: Governor's Papers, 1749 - 1785 [New Jersey State Archives]; Call Number: Box 1-1, Folder 31; Page Number: 2; Family Number: 15 APID: 1,2234::29897</ref><ref>
Source: Page: Year: 1790; Census Place: Washington, Pennsylvania; Series: M637; Roll: 9; Page: 170; Image: 100; Family History Library Film: 0568149 APID: 1,5058::349216</ref><ref>
Source: Page: Volume: 330; SAR Membership Number: 65979 APID: 1,2204::650213</ref><ref>Source: APID: 1,2794::60547</ref><ref>
Source: Page: Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 340 APID: 1,2497::1482070</ref><ref>
Source: APID: 1,3562::18824007</ref>
=== Birth ===
: Birth:
:: Date: 1740:: Place: Middlesex, New Jersey<ref>
Source: Page: Source number: 3011.000; Source type: Electronic Database; Number ofPages: 1; Submitter Code: RB1 APID: 1,7836::1360836</ref><ref>
Source: Page: Volume: 330; SAR Membership Number: 65979 APID: 1,2204::650213</ref>
=== Death ===
: Death:
:: Date: 1806:: Place: Mercer Co., Ohio<ref>
Source: Page: Volume: 330; SAR Membership Number: 65979 APID: 1,2204::650213</ref>
=== Residence ===
: Residence:
:: Date: 1759:: Place: Perth Amboy, Middlesex County, NJ<ref>
Source: APID: 1,3562::18824007</ref>
: Residence:
:: Date: 1783:: Place: Amwell, Washington, Pennsylvania<ref>
Source: Page: Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4; Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762-1794; Microfilm Roll: 340 APID: 1,2497::1482070</ref>
: Residence:
:: Date: 1790:: Place: Washington, Pennsylvania, United States<ref>
Source: Page: Year: 1790; Census Place: Washington, Pennsylvania; Series: M637; Roll: 9; Page: 170; Image: 100; Family History LibraryFilm: 0568149 APID: 1,5058::349216</ref>
: Residence:
:: Date: 1760:: Place: Sussex County, New Jersey, United States<ref>
Source: Page: Document: Manuscript Collection, 1680s - 1970s, BAH: Governor's Papers, 1749 - 1785 [New Jersey State Archives]; Call Number: Box 1-1, Folder 31; Page Number: 2; Family Number: 15 APID: 1,2234::29897</ref>
=== Object ===
: Object::: File:
:: Format: htm
:: Title: Dar Service Record for John Woolverton
: Object::: File:
:: Format: jpg
:: Title: military
=== Marriage ===
: Husband:
: Wife:
: Child:
:: Relationship to Father: Natural
:: Relationship to Mother: Natural
: Child:
:: Relationship to Father: Natural
:: Relationship to Mother: Natural
: Child:
:: Relationship to Father: Natural
:: Relationship to Mother: Natural
: Child:
:: Relationship to Father: Natural
:: Relationship to Mother: Natural
: Child:
:: Relationship to Father: Natural
:: Relationship to Mother: Natural
: Marriage: Scotch Plains Baptist Church
:: Date: 19 Feb 1759:: Place: Hunterdon County, New Jersey, USA
<ref>Source: APID: 1,2794::60547</ref>
== Sources ==
<references />*
* Source: <span id='S-1254080161'>S-1254080161</span>
Repository: Title: New Jersey Census, 1643-1890
Author: Jackson, Ronald V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.
Publication: Operations Inc APID: 1,3562::0
* Repository: <span id='R-2139624540'>R-2139624540</span>
Name: Address: Note:
* Source: <span id='S-1254080357'>S-1254080357</span>
Repository: Title: Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801
Author: Publication: Operations, Inc. APID:1,2497::0
* Source: <span id='S-1254080538'>S-1254080538</span>
Repository: Title: New Jersey, Marriage Records, 1683-1802
Author: Publication: Operations, Inc. APID: 1,2794::0
* Source: <span id='S-1254319731'>S-1254319731</span>
Repository: Title: 1790 United States Federal Census
Author: Publication: Operations, Inc. APID: 1,5058::0
* Source: <span id='S-1254320059'>S-1254320059</span>
Repository: Title: U.S. Census Reconstructed Records, 1660-1820
Author: Publication: Operations, Inc. APID:1,2234::0
* Source: <span id='S-1344077209'>S-1344077209</span>
Repository: Title: U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970
Author: Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011.Original data - Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls Note: APID: 1,2204::0
* Source: <span id='S-2060893025'>S-2060893025</span>
Repository: Title: U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was deriv Note: APID: 1,7836::0
== Acknowledgements ==
* Wolverton-219 was created by through the import of Vincent Family Tree.ged on Apr 14, 2014.
OBJE: PLAC Chaplin, Nelson Co., KY
John married Abigail Darby 1 on 19 Feb 1759 in Sussex County, NJ. Abigail was born about 1740 in Sussex County, NJ and died before 1776. Another name for Abigail was Wolverton.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF25908
from Emma Ten Broeck Runk:
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 245 i. Colonel Thomas Wolverton 1 was born circa 1760 in Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey, USA, died circa May 1822 in Washington Twp., Preble Co., OH, aged about 62, and was buried in Frame Cemetery, Preble County, OH.
+ 246 ii. Mary Wolverton 1 was born on 22 Apr 1761 in Newton, Sussex, Province of New Jersey, died on 26 Aug 1822 in Waynesburgh, Greene County, PA, aged 61, and was buried in Waynesburgh Old Cemetery, Waynesburgh, Greene County, PA.
+ 247 iii. John Woolverton 1 was born circa 1763-1765 in Sussex County, NJ and died circa 1806 in Columbia Township, Hamilton County, OH, aged about 43.
+ 248 iv. Rachel Wolverton 1 was born circa 1767, died on 20 Oct 1836 in Greene County, PA, aged about 69, and was buried in Old Bates Fork Baptist Church Cemetery, Greene County, PA.
+ 249 v. Margaret Wolverton 1 was born on 30 Jul 1772 in Virginia and died on 29 Nov 1838 in Morgan Twp., Greene Co., PA, aged 66.
+ 250 vi. Charles Wolverton 1 was born on 1 Dec 1774 in Miami Co., OH, died on 28 Oct 1838 in Monroe Twp, Miami County, OH, aged 63, and was buried in Thomas Cemetery, Troy, Miami County, OH.
John next married Elizabeth ? 1 about 1775 in Berkeley County, WV. Elizabeth was born about 1745 and died after 1793. Other names for Elizabeth were Wolverton and Elizabeth Fletcher.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF25916
from Carl Wolverton
from David Macdonald
Children from this marriage were:
+ 251 i. Hannah Wolverton 1 was born on 15 Jun 1777, died on 2 Sep 1844 in Richland County, OH, aged 67, and was buried in Bryn Zion Cemetery, Mount Gilead, Morrow County, OH.
+ 252 ii. Abigail Darby Wolverton 1 was born circa 1776.
+ 253 iii. Daniel Wolverton 1 was born in 1778 in Washington Cty., Pennsylvania and died after 1860 in Miami County, OH.
John next married someone.
+ 254 i. Charles Wolverton 1 was born on 1 Dec 1774 in Miami Co., OH, died on 28 Oct 1838 in Monroe Twp, Miami County, OH, aged 63, and was buried in Thomas Cemetery, Troy, Miami County, OH.
54. Mary Woolverton 1 (Thomas10, Charles1) was born in 1742 in Rosemont, Hunterdon County, NJ and died on an unknown date. Another name for Mary was Mary Wolverton.
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF19642
from Carl Wolverton
The evidence that there was a daughter Mary is circumstantial and thin. A Mary Sherman was appointed administrator of the estate of Thomas Pettit to replace Thomas Woolverton who had resigned. It has been assumed but not proven that Mary was Thomas Wolverton's sister.
from David Macdonald
WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0907.html - Mary Wolverton
Research Notes:
== Biography ==
''No biography yet. Wolverton-238 was created by through the import of Vincent Family Tree.ged on Apr 14, 2014.
== Sources ==
<references />
Mary married ? Sherman.
Marriage Notes: FTM
from David Macdonald
General Notes: FTM BIRT: RIN MH:IF25919
from David Macdonald