(or how the information gathered here is put together)
Despite the volume of information presented on the site, this is not a full-time endeavour. The site authors have full-time careers outside of the field of genealogy, and are not able to devote as much time to sourcing information as they would like.
Please note that this site should by no means ever to be considered the definitive source of information on the family. While diligent attempts have been (and continue to be) made to ensure the veracity of what is posted, mistakes can still be made, and have been. We try to correct these whenever they are found or brought to our attention. If you do find any errors or omissions in the content on the site, please contact the webmaster using the link at the bottom of each page and let us know.
Information found on this site has been gathered from a large number of different primary and secondary sources. Whenever possible, records are not added to the tree information until they can be verified to fit with existing content (or refute it). In the absence of other primary information, David Macdonald's published information has been used as a primary reference to vet research against. Corrections have been made both ways, and we have attempted to note whenever there are discrepancies between sources, and when we find errors in the Macdonald work. All secondary sources have been cited where they exist.
In some cases, determining the original source of information can be quite difficult when multiple other researchers have previously posted the same content and added their own research. We try as much as possible to attribute whatever we post to its original sources, but if we have missed something, please let us know, and it will be rectified.
Privacy concerns have also reduced the amount of genealogical information that is now publically available on the internet, so there isn’t the same amount of information now available about living people as there once was. This is a double-edged sword, as previously-available information about living individuals was helpful in removing ambiguity that arises when proving out lines of descent. That said, we respect people's rights to privacy - if you feel something should not be posted for privacy reasons, please let us know, and it will be removed.