Below is a list of descendants from the Immigrant Charles Woolverton. Because the original version of this file is so large, it had to be broken up into smaller pieces. Click on the appropriate link in the list below to jump to that generation in the file. The list can be searched using the Surname List or the Index of Names. Tto search within a page, enter Ctrl+F into your browser and type the surname you are looking for.
Please note that this page will be updated as new information becomes available.
28286. Caison Fortner (Travis Fortner28174, Jonathan Fortner27173, Patricia Lea Eshenour24353, Evadna Maxine Beeson19720, Roy Kenneth Beeson14214, Margaret Emily Barcroft8436, George Manning Barcroft3822, Elias Barcroft1156, Anna (Nancy) Woolverton269, John58, Morris13, Charles Jr.2, Charles1).
General Notes: